Last month, a brawl in Fantasyland at Walt Disney World was caught on video and went viral online. Both families gave conflicting statements about what actually happened that led to punches being thrown, a black eye, hair pulling and arrests.
After law enforcement reviewed the footage from the fight, one man and two women were arrested for battery. Disney Security has also banned everyone who was involved from the parks.
One of the family members was waiting in line for Mickey’s PhilharMagic when she remembered that she left her phone in her motorized scooter. She went to get it and came back into the line to catch up with her family and was met with another family not allowing her to pass through to reach the rest of her group. Her family waited outside the theater to confront the offending group and that’s when the yelling and fists started to fly. Security didn’t show up for about 2 minutes — a lot can happen in that amount of time.
Supposedly this guest stepped on or pushed someone aside on the way to get the cell phone which started everything but again there are conflicting statements.
Vicqas Aikal, 29, of Kendall Park, New Jersey, was arrested after he could be seen in the video disengaging from the fight and then running back and punching Tauheesha Richardson’s upper body. He also may have inadvertently struck another woman in the face in the process and given her a black eye.
Tauheesha Richardson, 42, from Jersey City, New Jersey, was arrested for striking Vicqas and one of his family members.
Tauheesha’s relative, Karizma Richardson, 20, also of Jersey City, was arrested after she was seen in the video kicking a woman on the ground and pulling the woman’s ponytail. Karizma’s family tried to pull her off the woman.
Vicqas Aikal had a cut on his chin and was taken to Celebration Hospital for treatment and then to Osceola County Jail.
Tauheesha and Karizma Richardson went directly to Orange County Jail.
Law enforcement also submitted a battery charge to the state attorney’s office for a second member of the Aikal family, but authorities did not appear to arrest that person.
In the case of Tauheesha and Karizma, the state attorney’s office later decided to drop the charges. “From the investigation which has been made, it is the opinion of the writer that this case is not suitable for prosecution,” an August 8 court filing said. No charges were found in online court records as of Tuesday for Vicqas Aikal.